"> Listed & Religious Buildings - C Wood & Son

listed & religious buildings

The restoration and conservation of heritage, listed and ancient buildings requires specialist knowledge and best practice in the use of the materials, techniques and tools associated with traditional building craftsmanship.  We have over 150 years of building experience; C Wood and Son Construction Services possess a wealth of expertise and knowledge to deliver a project that you will be proud of.  We use a combination of traditional building renovation and restoration techniques with combined with modern materials to preserve the historic value of your property and buildings.  We have a reputation of working on many historical buildings across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Essex and across London.

[interactive_banner banner_title=”ROOFING” heading_tag=”h2″ banner_desc=”When it comes to period or listed properties roof work, we take extra special care ensuring that all necessary precautions are taken. From site survey to structural scaffolding, it is important that we keep the property Health and Safety compliant and the property secure from the elements.

READ MORE” banner_image=”id^5225|url^https://www.cwoodandson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/WhatsApp-Image-2021-12-09-at-16.08.01-16.jpeg|caption^null|alt^null|title^WhatsApp Image 2021-12-09 at 16.08.01 (16)|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cwoodandson.co.uk%2Fservices%2Froofing-services%2F|target:_blank” banner_overlay_bg_color=”#00a9d1″][interactive_banner banner_title=”HISTOIRAL BUILDING RENOVATIONS” heading_tag=”h2″ banner_desc=”Whether the listed building is in regular daily use of not, historical building renovation and restorations can create many unique and taxing contracting challenges. It is important to select your contractor wisely, with C Wood and Son Construction Services, we can boast 150 years plus of building experience. Our team have the skills, expertise and knowledge to cope with your historical restorative project.

We are proud to have worked on a number of period and listed buildings across the local counties.

READ MORE” banner_image=”id^4109|url^https://www.cwoodandson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/WhatsApp-Image-2020-03-09-at-12.53.04-12.jpeg|caption^null|alt^null|title^WhatsApp Image 2020-03-09 at 12.53.04 (12)|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cwoodandson.co.uk%2Fservices%2Fbuildings-renovation-churches-and-listed-building-specialists%2F|target:_blank” banner_overlay_bg_color=”#00a9d1″]

[interactive_banner banner_title=”CHURCH RESTORATIONS & RENOVATIONS” heading_tag=”h2″ banner_desc=”With 150 years of experience under out belt, the team at C Wood & Son Ltd have completed many church restorations and renovations. Alongside churches, we have been renovating, conserving, repairing and maintaining other types of religious buildings too. These sensitive structures could require replacement stone work, carving or piercing, reproduction of original mouldings, the repointing, the renewal of window surrounds, and doors.

READ MORE” banner_image=”id^5226|url^https://www.cwoodandson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/ffaf3a55-05ff-48b9-998e-a133be5c04bc.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^ffaf3a55-05ff-48b9-998e-a133be5c04bc|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cwoodandson.co.uk%2Fchurch-restoration-renovations%2F|target:_blank” banner_overlay_bg_color=”#00a9d1″][interactive_banner banner_title=”PLACES OF WORSHIP” heading_tag=”h2″ banner_desc=”C Wood & Son Construction have been renovating, conserving, repairing and maintaining heritage or listed properties, churches and other types of religious buildings for over 150 years. These sensitive structures could require replacement stone work, carving or piercing, reproduction of original mouldings, the repointing, the renewal of window surrounds, and doors by providing a comprehensive and wealth of experience thorough our expertise, experience and knowledge.

READ MORE” banner_image=”id^3531|url^https://www.cwoodandson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/St-Marys-Church-Harpenden-After-1.jpg|caption^null|alt^null|title^St Marys Church, Harpenden After 1|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cwoodandson.co.uk%2Fhome%2Fplaces-of-worship-and-heritage%2F|target:_blank” banner_overlay_bg_color=”#00a9d1″]

[interactive_banner banner_title=”HISTORICAL BUILDINGS” heading_tag=”h2″ banner_desc=”The restoration and conservation of heritage, listed and ancient buildings requires specialist knowledge and best practice in the use of the materials, techniques and tools associated with traditional building craftsmanship. We have over 150 years of building experience; C Wood and Sons Construction Services possess a wealth of expertise and knowledge to deliver a project that you will be proud of. We use a combination of traditional building renovation and restoration techniques with combined with modern materials to preserve the historic value of your property and buildings. We have a reputation of working on many historical buildings across Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, Essex and across London.

READ MORE” banner_image=”id^5208|url^https://www.cwoodandson.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/WhatsApp-Image-2022-02-03-at-08.47.07-13.jpeg|caption^null|alt^null|title^WhatsApp Image 2022-02-03 at 08.47.07 (13)|description^null” link_opts=”box” banner_link=”url:https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cwoodandson.co.uk%2Fhistorical-buildings%2F|target:_blank” banner_overlay_bg_color=”#00a9d1″]

[ultimate_heading main_heading=”Contact Our Experienced & Knowledgeable Team” heading_tag=”h1″ main_heading_color=”#ffffff” main_heading_font_family=”font_family:Poppins|font_call:Poppins|variant:500″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:500;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:20px;” main_heading_margin=”margin-top:12px;margin-bottom:24px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:22px;”][/ultimate_heading]
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